

A word from L’îLE DU SAVOIR

Yves Mauffette

« This is an exciting time when science and technology are making new strides! This unifying project not only celebrates local researchers, but also Quebec’s incredible technological breakthroughs.»

Yves Mauffette, L’île du savoir’s ambassador

institutionAL testimonials

« I would like to join all the little curious minds and all the young explorers out there in congratulating the organizers who, year after year, have offered us a Festival that helps our city’s youth widen their curiosity and explore their desire to learn while having fun! Along with all the passionate people behind the Eurêka! Festival, we will be able to help young minds reach their full potential and to awaken their desire to create. […] I would like to thank all volunteers and creators of this wonderful gathering, as they are contributing their passion to building the future for our youth.»

Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal


Jean-François Roberge

«The Festival popularizes science, but it also offers attractions that may ignite sparks in the eyes of its young visitors. They’ll be telling themselves, “I want go farther, I want to find out more, I feel like starting a science club for fun or studying science”.»

Jean-François Roberge, Quebec Minister of Education and Higher Education

Pierre Fitzgibbon

«The Eurêka! Festival is a must-see event that allows the general public and young Quebecers to discover innovative technologies and employment pathways related to the stimulating fields of science and technology.»

Pierre Fitzgibbon, Quebec Minister of Economy and Innovation

testimonials FROM OUR Spokespersons

Martin Carli

«Behind every scientific discovery, there is a dream. The dream of a world where there is no more disease, no more pollution, where the climate no longer changes. The dream of discovering new planets… I’m amazed at so many discoveries! Eurêka! is the result of many people’s dreams, who will, in turn, make you dream and amaze you. What an irresistible proposition!»


Martin Carli, Festival Spokesperson, Télé-Québec

Stéphane Bellavance

«The Eureka Festival! is one of the largest scientific gatherings for the whole family and for everyone in Montreal. It’s as much for the kids, as it is for their parents!»

Stéphane Bellavance, Festival Spokesperson, Télé-Québec

MeDIA testimonials

Pénélope McQuade

«What I understand is that if children are in contact with the young scientific community and see the diversity in various types of science and scientists, perhaps their whole vision of science, for all their studies, will completely change.»

Pénélope McQuade, Radio and Television Host

Julie Jasmine Boudreau

« It’s all quite fascinating, because we experience exploration and demonstrations, and test our scientific knowledge. The best thing about it is that it’s outdoors… and it’s free. »

Julie Jasmine Boudreau, Le Télé Journal, Radio-Canada

Julie Fooshee

« This is truly an event that embraces and celebrates STEAM in the community and makes that celebration an open, accessible community event. The work you do is really amazing, and I love how open and accessible this event is to the public. »

Julie Fooshee, Coordinator, Science Festival Alliance

Sur les pas du spectateur

«On top of this huge crowd and the quality of what we could discover, I appreciated the quality of the exchanges with these young people who took the time to answer us with a smile. A free festival for visitors, very well organized and with grants from a large number of institutions who have understood that their contributions are in fact investments for our future.»

Sur les pas du spectateur, blogger

Jean-Philippe Wauthier

« This is how you get people interested in science! »

Jean-Philippe Wauthier, Host, Bonsoir Bonsoir! Radio-Canada

Partner testimonials

In french only*

teachers testimonials

Myriam Aubry

« It gives them examples of careers in science. We teach them things in school, but here, they can see, tangibly, what purpose those things actually serve. »

Myriam Aubry, teacher at Iona School, Montreal

Naïma Nechadi

«Thank you for giving us some unforgettable and inspiring moments!»

Naïma Nechadi, Teacher, Atelier School

Anne-Sophie Aubry

« I went to the Eureka Festival! last year as well as the year before with my students and I loved the experience. Is it too late to repeat the experience this year and enroll my students?»

Anne-Sophie Aubry, School Louis-Hippolyte-Lafontaine

Roxane Gendron Mathieu

«We love the Festival so much, thank you!!»

Roxane Gendron Mathieu, Teacher, École Terre-des-jeunes

Laila Tamda

« My students and I really enjoyed the workshops. Congratulations to everyone for organizing the festival! »

Laila Tamda, Teacher, Ste-Bernadette-Soubirous School