An exciting (andeducational!) game designed for 8year olds and older! It’s an unprecedented showcase for science and technology!
Click on the image below to access the Eurêka! Virtual Archipelago! *In French.
Set Sail for Adventure!
Sail on the waters of the L’île du savoir archipelago, aboard a boat that you build through your own experiences. Your mission: participate in activities, soak up some scientific knowledge and move through a sea of inspiring discoveries.
Are you ready to dock at the islands of our science partners? You will discover their many hidden treasures…
Virtual Eurêka! includes nearly 60 varied, fun, interactive experiences: games, videos, podcasts and shows.
The activities and themes will remind you of our regular Eurêka! format, covering the fields of aerospace, video games, artificial intelligence, life sciences, Earth and the environment, robotics, flora and fauna, physics, chemistry, and more.
None of this would be possible without our partners who have unfurled the sails of their creativity to offer you a thrilling experience.